Thursday, August 14, 2008

Great way to save money

Jewelry down through the ages has never been the exclusive domain of women. Its true that women used to wear their dowries (as jewelry) so much of gold and jewel work was done for that purpose.

Buying wholesale gold jewelry is a great way to save money and buy affordable gold jewelry. While this strategy might not work out for the individual buyer, group buying of wholesale gold jewelry can get you affordable pieces. Gold jewelry can be made of yellow, white, tri-color and two tone gold. The gold used can also be of different qualities like 14K, 18K and 22K. Gold is combined with diamonds, rubies, pearls and other precious stones to make stunning jewelry.

Wholesale gold jewelry dealers need to source items of all varieties as jewelry resellers need to stock a sizeable variety in order to interest the end customer. Wholesale gold jewelry pieces are readily available online. Some online jewelry stores also allow the customer to make the payment for his choice of wholesale gold jewelry in installments spread over a specified time period at

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